Drawing 2D Objects

This section describes the various 2D objects you can create. See Selecting 2D Locations for details on defining and selecting locations.

Drawing Lines

The following functions enable you to create lines and objects created from lines, such as rectangles and polygons:

Line – LIN, Ctrl + L

With this function you can create a single line, a multi-segmented line, or a freehand curve. While creating lines, the following additional options are available:

Close - joins the last point and the first point to close the line.
Freehand - creates a freehand curve by holding the mouse button.
Endpoints – the default mode, in which each mouse click defines a segment endpoint. This option cancels the freehand mode.
Separate Objects - creates each line segment as a separate object.
One Object - creates one object that contains all the line segments.

Multi Line - MLL

A multi-line is a group of parallel lines that acts as one line. Before creating multi lines, you can set parameters such as number of lines, line distance from the center, and rounding.

Multi Line Attributes - change properties during multi line creation.

Multiple lines options

Example of multi lines created within one function

Shaft - SHAFT

Creates shafts or other symmetrical 2D objects. Before creating shafts, you can define coordinate display, rounding, chamfering or creation of conical or cylindrical parts. When drawing shafts, coordinates are displayed as DX, DY. You can choose whether DX is measured from the first shaft point (total length from beginning) or from the last point (length of the created segment).

Shaft Attributes - change properties during shaft creation.

Shaft options

Example of object created by Shaft

Axis - AXIS

An axis can be created in two ways:

Axes created at center of circle, and between two points

Rectangle - RECT

Creates a rectangle by two opposite corners definition. If you right-click an empty area when a first rectangle or a second rectangle corner is defined, a pop-up menu appears and you may select cursor increment mode or enter exact rectangle dimensions from keyboard.

Polygon - POL

A polygon is an object in which all sides have the same length. The polygon can fit inside or outside a specified radius, and you can define the number of sides (vertices) and vertex location.

Polygon options

Tangent Line - TAN

Creates a tangent line by selecting two circles or arcs. The tangent line endpoints are located where you select the circles/arcs.


Arrows - ARR

An arrow is a single- or multi-segment line that has an arrowhead at the end of its last segment.

Arrow Attributes Setting - ARA

This function is available on the Tools menu. You can set the following attributes:

Arrow style settings

Example of various types of arrows (each arrow is a single object)

Drawing Curves

Graphs - GRA

A graph is a curve defined by X, Y coordinates loaded from a text file. Coordinate values stored in a text file must be separated by spaces.

Ellipse - ELL

An ellipse can be created by defining major and minor axes, or by projecting a circle. To create an elliptical arc, you can define start and end angles. Identical angles will produce an entire ellipse. You can easily specify identical angles by pressing the Space Bar twice at the same location – first, while entering the first angle and again (without moving the cursor) while entering the second angle.

Ellipsis is created as a NURBS curve.

Ellipsis definition

Example of ellipse

Spline - SPL

A spline is a curve defined by a series of points. The spline passes through the defined points. You can choose whether to create an open or closed spline. Closed curves are connected smoothly – gap between first and last point is spanned.

Splines are created as interpolation NURBS curves.

Creating Points

Points are used in 2D as auxiliary objects.

Point - POINT

Creates single points by clicking on point locations.

Points on Arc - POC

Creates points along an arc. You can specify a number of equally-spaced points, or define the distance between points.

Points on Line, Number - PLN

Creates a specified number of equally-spaced points along a line.

Points on Line, Distance - PLD

Creates points along a line, separated by a specified distance.

Points from File - PFF

Inserts points from a text file, listed as X, Y coordinates. Each set of coordinates in the text file must be separated by a space.

Creating Circles and Arcs

Circles and arcs are the same type of 2D object; a circle is a 360 degrees’ arc. Angles of arcs are measured counterclockwise, with zero degrees along the right direction of X axis. If a circle or an arc is defined by cursor dragging, you may press right mouse button. Then, menu appears and you can select cursor dragging increment or define exact radius value from keyboard. In most situations, cursor increment is measured as DX DY from last defined point or from coordinate center. But when you drag a circle or arc from its center, cursor increments are measured as increments of radius.

Circle Center Radius - CCR

Creates a circle defined by a center point and radius.

Circle Center Point - CCP

Creates a circle by defining the center point and a point on the circumference.

Circle 2 Points - CR2

Creates a circle by defining two circumference points and the radius. The circle is created when you specify the side of the circle center, relative to the line connecting the two circumference points.

Circle 3 Points - C3P

Creates a circle by defining three circumference points.

Circle Tangent to 2 Objects - CT2

Creates a circle tangent to two objects (lines, circles, arcs) with a specified radius.

Circle Tangent to 3 Objects - TG3

Creates a circle tangent to three objects (lines, circles, arcs).

Group of Holes - HOL2

Creates a group of holes (circles) along a circle or line.

Arc Center Radius - ACR

Creates an arc by defining the center point, radius, and start and end angles. To create an entire circle, the start and end angles must be identical. You can easily specify identical angles by pressing the Space Bar once while entering the first angle and again (without moving the cursor) while entering the second angle.

Arc Center Point - ACP

Creates an arc by defining the center point, point on circumference, and start and end angles. To create an entire circle, the start and end angles must be identical. You can easily specify identical angles by pressing the Space Bar once while entering the first angle and again (without moving the cursor) while entering the second angle.

Arc 2 Points - AR2

Creates an arc by defining the radius and two endpoints. The arc is created when you specify the side of the arc center, relative to the line connecting the two endpoints.

Arc 3 Points - A3P

Creates an arc by defining the first endpoint, a point on the circumference, and the second endpoint.

Arc Point Tangent - APT

Creates an arc by defining the radius, point on circumference, and a tangent line or arc. The arc is created when you specify the side of the arc center.

Arc Tangent to 2 Objects - AT2

Creates an arc tangent to two lines or arcs, specifying the arc radius.