
Symbols are sets of 2D objects. Symbols are defined by:

  • An insertion (reference) point
  • Connection points - used after insertion for snap locations
  • Name and comment

You can insert symbols from standard libraries or create your own symbol libraries. The standard VariCAD package offers libraries containing hydraulic symbols, pneumatic symbols, and electrical symbols.

Welding, tolerance and finish symbols are managed by different functions, see Dimensioning.

Working with a symbol library

Symbols - SYM

This command creates edits or deletes symbols from the open library. If no library is open, select the existing library first or create a new one. Only one symbol library can be open at a time. Symbols available from VariCAD distribution package (like pneumatic or hydraulic symbols) are inserted into drawing by different method – from menu “Parts”.

Following options are available for working with symbols:

  • New symbol – creates a new symbol and inserts it into currently open symbol library. To create a symbol, select 2D objects (lines, arcs, texts…), then define an insertion point, connection points and a name and optionally a description.

Clicking an existing symbol in symbol list, you can:

  • Insert the corresponding symbol into 2D drawing.
  • Edit symbol name or description.
  • Move symbol into different position within symbols list.
  • Delete the symbol.

Working with symbols



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